Apprentice perfumer & Moulin of Opio

Duration: 5 hours

Group of 5 peoples minimum
Price: 140€ all taxes included / person

Example of a half day:

8:15AM Welcome guests
8:30AM Departure to the historic factory of Fragonard
09:15AM Session of apprentice perfumer teach by a perfumer technician.
11:00AM Departure to the factory of olive oil “Moulin d’Opio”
11:30AM Visit of the “Moulin d’Opio”
12:15AM Return to Cannes
01:00PM End of tour

This example is based on a departure and arrival in Cannes area.

Includes in the formula:
- The Car (mini van) with driver staying with you during the tour.
- Fresh water inside the car.
- The tickets for the historic factory of Fragonard and the oil olives factory at “Moulin d’opio”.

The visit can be in different languages.